So, the dust and scratches block the laser to read the disk, which in turn, make the player to skip the portions that are blocked. Empirical results show clean sine output at all frequencies. The CD and DVD players use lasers to detect tiny pitted grooves on CDs and DVDs. Audio DACs PCM5122 2V RMS DIRECTPATH 112dB Audio Stereo DAC with PCM Interface and Fixed. If none of that works then you are probably on to the oscilloscope stage and you need the service manual. Many times it happens that when you play a CD or DVD, it starts skipping, due to dust or scratches on them. You can either continue listening to the music on the. PLEASE NOTE THE WORD 'GENTLY' IN ALL THE ABOVE. When the music stops, advance to track 3 and the same voice will soon tell you that cleaning is complete.

If no results then try starting a disc while gently applying slight downward pressure on the 'hold-down' arm in case it is the disc that is slipping on the turntable and so not getting up to speed - if that works then clean the rubber hold down ring and the turntable and dry them thoroughly. If no results, then perhaps the sledge has come back too far towards the centre so that the beam cannot pick up any sync pulses try gently easing the sledge away from the the centre a couple of mm up the slide shaft and try again. I HAVE AN ONKYO MODEL DX-C310, 6 DISC TRAY TYPE AUTOMATIC CD PLAYER-CHANGER THAT I LOVE TO DEATH BECAUSE IT MATCHES ALL MY OTHER BEAUTIFUL ONKYO COMPNENTS. Blow dust from the bottom surface with a can of compressed air.

After gentle cleaning, clean again with a dry cotton bud as it is possible that you have just loosened the gunge and swirled it about only for it to dry in a different position, (especially true if the player has been in a smoker's house). I HAVE AN ONKYO MODEL DX-C310, 6 DISC TRAY TYPE AUTOMATIC CD. By combining high-quality components and decades of Onkyo audio know-how, the C-7030 CD player delivers a superb playback experience. Clean a CD: Hold the disc by its hub and outside edges. When you clean the lens you can use (as Nick says) meths or better - Isopropanol.